So the initial question that I asked myself was ‘How do we put our people into this environment?’. After discovering the above campaign and seeing how well it was received by JLL & Northwood, I was inspired. A mimicry in the same style would not only be uncreative but would simply not work in the realm of security. So, I needed to add the ‘detail’, go a few layers deeper in addition to this colourful, simplistic original and communicate that we completely understand their vision of a positive, green workplace aswell as possibly hinting at a clearer ‘real’ illustration style as the building comes out of the conceptual phase to launch.

Concept two.

Concept one.

Sketched in


‘The Acre’ or 90 Long Acre, Covent garden has been re-designed and is re-opening as a state-of-the-art, sustainable and exceptionally positive place to work. ‘‘Illustrating a brighter tomorrow’’. Such a building will need to be secure, and a tender has gone out for a concierge-style Security contract of which Mitie is very interested in.

Original workplace branding for the building by DNCO Agency. Seen here.


Mitie / Royal Academy of Arts Security